Lynne Cohen
in New Richmond
Recent work
Taylor’s Point Park | 103 Boulevard Perron Est | New Richmond
Lynne Cohen (1944-2014), Montreal, Québec |
Born and raised in the United States, in Wisconsin, Lynne Cohen moved to Ottawa in 1973 and then lived and worked in Montreal from 2003 until her death in 2014.
Many retrospective exhibits of her work have been presented in Canada (National Gallery of Canada, 2002), in France (Galerie des Archives, Paris, 1996; In Situ – Fabienne Leclerc, 2009 and 2015) in Switzerland (Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne, 2003) and in England (Tate Modern, London, 2017). She took part in a number of biennales and events, for example the 5th Biennale de Montréal (2007) and Rencontres d’Arles (Arles, 2011). Her work has also been the subject of numerous publications, issued by among others the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal (Montreal, 2013), Thames and Hudson (London, 2001), Aperture (New York, 2012) and Fundación MAPFRE (Madrid, 2014). Her photos can be found in over 50 collections and have been honored with a number of prestigious distinctions (Chicago Art Institute, 1967; National Magazine Awards, Canada, 2001; Scotiabank Photography Award, 2011).
Recent work
Beginning in the early 1970s, Lynne Cohen took photographs, with a view camera, of “found” interior spaces, usually void of occupants, and which are not identified by the works’ titles. Her photos capture interiors and semipublic or public places – such as skating rinks, dancehalls, hotel lobbies or men’s clubs – which later gave way to more complex and less readily accessible environments, like classrooms, science laboratories and military installations. Whatever the (sometimes ominous) nature of the places photographed, the artist underscored the humor, artifice and illusion that appear there. Each large-format photograph invites viewers to enter into the image and be part of it, leading them to shift their points of reference and find themselves in those places where “the world echoes art.”